Verzió DocLab Application 2024


Apply for the 9th Verzió DocLab International Documentary Workshop on Story Development and Editing!

Dates: 5-9 November, 2024 | Budapest
Deadline: 9 September, 2024 CET Midnight

The 21st Verzió International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival will be held between 6–13 November 2024 in Budapest, Hungary. 

Producer, director based in or originates from this country.
max. 100 words
Remember team members maximum consist of two. (Directors can also be editors! Producers can also join!)
If you have production company
Please note if you need any assistance from our side in case you are alone and your producer can not join you. In this case, if you are lacking an editor or dramaturgist to accompany you, we can connect you with Hungarian professionals who can help you during the time of the workshop.
(Note: Verzió can only support travel cost up to 200 Euros)