Yoav Shamir / Machssomim / Israel & Japan / 2003 / 80 min / Hebrew & Arabic & English
Fully armed Israeli soldiers on duty at a checkpoint. Palestinians on their way to work, to the doctor or to see neighbors are forced to queue for permission to pass, regardless of the weather. Where is the border-line?!
November 9. 20.00, Toldi mozi
November 11. 22.00, Toldi mozi

producers: Amit Breuer, Amythos Films & Edna & Elinor Kowarsky (Eden Productions)
camera: Yoav Shamir
editor: Era Lapid
festival info:
Winner of VPRO - Joris Ivens Award - IDFA, Amsterdam International Documentary Film Festival, The Netherlands, 2003/ Winner of Best Cinematography Award - DocAviv, The Tel Aviv International Documentary Film Festival, Tel Aviv, Israel, 2004 / Winner of the Golden Gate Award for Documentary Features - San Francisco International Film Festival, USA, 2004 / Winner of Best Documentary Feature Award - HotDocs, Canadian International Film Festival, Toronto, Canada, 2004 / Special Jury Mention, First Prize for Innovative Photography - Documenta Madrid International Documentary Festival, Spain, 2004 / Winner of the Special Documentary Award - Munich International Documentary Film Festival, Germany, 2004 / Winner of Best Documentary Award - Newport International Film Festival, USA, 2004/ Winner of Best Documentary Award - Calgary International Film Festival, Canada, 2004 / Winner of Best Documentary Award - Docupolis International Documentary Festival, Spain, 2004 / Winner of the Special Documentary Prize - Entrevues Film Festival Belfort, France, 2004 / Winner of the "Point of View" Prize, for Best Film - De Vista International Documentary Festival, Navarra, Spain, 2005 / Winner of Special Mention by the Jury - 4th RomaDocFest, Italy, 2005 / Winner of the "Magnolia" Award for Best Documentary in the Humanities - 11th Shanghai TV Festival, China, 2005
production info:
Eden Productions
84 Arlozorov street.,
Tel Aviv 62647, Israel
Tel: +972 3 5273403
Fax: +972 3 5236076
sales info:
First Hand Film
Schaffhauserstrasse 359,
8050 Zurich, Switzerland
Tel: +41 1 312 20 60
Fax: +41 1 312 20 80
Five Days, 2003
Border-Line Case
Péter Szalay / Hungary / 2006 / 32 min / Hungarian & German
In 1989 an East German couple and their 6-year-old son decided to go to the West through Hungary. The husband was shot dead by a Hungarian border guard. How and where does the family live today?
November 10. 16.00, Toldi mozi

producer: János Vészi
screenplay: Péter Szalay
camera: Péter Szalay
editor: Péter Szalay
story editor: Ildikó Hidas, Ernő Nagy
sound: Lajos Pánczél
festival info:
Pál Schiffer Award - Budapest Hungarian Film Week, 2006 / Cracow Film Festival, 2006
production info:
Fórum Film Alapítvány
Solymosi Norbert
1145 Budapest, Róna u. 174.
+ 36 1 220 5413
Hajóval a hegyekben., 1992 / Alsósófalvai anzix, 1997-1998 /
Pillantások, 1998 / Téltemetés, 1999-2000 / ABA-feeling, 1997-2001 /
"Csúnya betegség", 2003 / A vonat, 2004 / Drogzarándok, 2005
Here We Are
Jaroslav Vojtek / My zdes / Slovak Republic / 2005 / 76 min / Russian & Slovak
Relocation, forced migration. From Central Slovakia to Sub-Carpathian Ukraine, then to Kazakhstan. Is there a way back after 50 years?
November 12. 14.00, Toldi mozi
producer: Mario Homolka, David Čorba for LEON Productions
screenplay: Andrej Bán, Jaroslav Vojtek, Marek Leščák
camera: Jaroslav Vojtek
editor: Maroš Šlapeta
sound: Marek Lacena
music: Sergei Kiossya
festival info:
Czech Minister of Culture Award for the Best Film - 8th One World International Festival of Documentary Films, Prague, Czech Republic, 2006 / Krakow Film Festival, Poland, 2006
production and sales info:
LEON Productions
Tranovského 55
841 02 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
Tel: +00421 2 6453 3992, +421 905 609 173 (cell)
Fax: +00421 2 6446 2784
Blind Belief, 1993 / If the Bell's Toll Were Magic, 1994 / Hair II, 1995 / Storm, 1995 / She Does
Not Know Me, I Don´t Know Her..., 1996 / Stone by Stone, 1996 / Once in the East, 2000 / Unwanted
Children, 2001 / Fish Tank, 2001 / Crazy Man, 2003
Tarifa Traffic: Death In the Straits Of Gibraltar
Joakim Demmer / Germany & Switzerland / 2003 / 60 min / Spanish
Hundreds and thousands of illegal immigrants come ashore on the beaches of Tarifa, in the deep south of Spain, from Morocco - alive or dead.
November 10. 16.00, Toldi mozi

producers: Samir, Valentin Greutert
screenplay: Joakim Demmer
camera: Hoyte van Hoytema
editor: Joakim Demmer, Natalie Barrey
music: Matthias Trippner, Mogwai
festival info:
SwissAmerican Film Festival, New York, USA, 2004 / Revelation Film Festival, Fremantle, Australia, 2004 / Rencontres Internationales du Documentaire de Montreal, Canada, 2004 / The 8th Ismailia International Film Festival, Egypt, 2004 / Shoot Me Film Festival, Hague, the Netherlands, 2005
production info:
CH Dschoint Ventschr Filmproduktion AG
Zentralstrasse 156, CH-8003
Zürich, Switzerland
Tel: +41 1 456 30 20
Fax: +41 1 456 30 25
sales info:
Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie Berlin GmbH (dffb)
Jana Wolff
German Film & Television Academy (dffb)
Potsdamer Strasse 2
10785 Berlin, Germany
Tel: +49 30 2575 9152
Fax: +49 30 25 759162
Flieger, 1998 / Kita, 1999 / Vergehen, 1999 / Unborn, 2000 / Play-Off, 2001 /
Zehn Argumente Gegen Gelb, 2002
New Penelope
Georgii Dzalaev / Penelopai mo / Tajikistan / 2006 / 26 min / Tadjik
Tadjik migrants work illegally in Russia, often taking a second wife there. Back home with the children, their first wives end up in poligamous relationships to keep body and soul together.
November 12. 12.00, Toldi mozi

screenplay: Georgii Dzalaev, Aloudin Abdoolloev
camera: Georgii Dzalaev
festival info:
Cracow Film Festival, Poland, 2006 / One World International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival, Prague, Czech Republic, 2006
production and sales info:
Elena Vitenberg
Manager of Gender Montage
Institute for Social and Gender Policy
Mokhovaya str. 15
St. Petersburg, 191028, Russia
Tel: +7812 346 7068
Phoebe Schreiner
Program Officer
Network Women's Program
Open Society Institute
400 West 59th Street
New York, NY 10019
Tel: +1 212 548 0162
Fax: + 1 212 548 4616
Who are We?, 1989 / Sweet, Sweet Home, 1998 / Noah's Arch, 1999 / At the Same Time With a Century, 2000 / Live Containers, 2002 / Transfiguration, 2003 / Before the Thunderstorm, 2005
Gábor Péter Németh / Hungary / 2005 / 38 min / Hungarian & Serbian
Ten years after the war ended in the former Yugoslavia 25 Bosnian refugees still live in the Debrecen refugee camp. The one-time inmates of a mental hospital in Bosnia-Herzegovina are longing to go home.
November 11. 14.00, Toldi mozi

producer: Gábor Péter Németh
camera: Gábor Horkai, Viktor Németh, Ákos Gulyás
music: Szabolcs Szőke
editor: Bori Kriza, Balázs Féjja
production info:
Metaforum Film
Balázs Wízner
Október 6. utca 3
1051 Hungary
Tel: +3601 411 1245
Fax: +3601 411 1244
+ 36 30 250 20 54 (cell)
Édes otthon, 1999 / Ki tud többet Kádár Jánosról
- Vetélkedô Kazincbarcikán, 2000 / Másik Magyar
Válogatott, 2001 / Világbajnok, 2002
/ Elszakítva, 2002 / Gyertyaláng, 2003 / A Fekete portré
Fekete János bankárról, 2004