The 3 Rooms Of Melancholia
Pirjo Honkasalo / Melancholian 3 huonetta / Finland / 2004 / 85 min / Russian & Chechen & Arabic & Finnish
A military school in Saint Petersburg, civilians in Grozny, a refugee camp in Ingushetia. Children in post-Soviet space.
November 10. 18.00, Toldi mozi

producers: Kristina Pervilä / Millennium Film
co-producer: Pirjo Honkasalo / Baabeli
screenplay: Pirjo Honkasalo
camera: Pirjo Honkasalo
editor: Niels Pagh Anderson, Pirjo Honkasalo
music: Sanna Salmenkallio
festival info:
The Human Rights Film Network Award, The Lina Mangiacapre Award, EIUC Special Mention - Mostra Intrenazionale d'Arte Cinematografica, Venice, Italy, 2004 / First prize (shared) - cph:dox Documentary Film Festival, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2004 / Amnesty International Award - IDFA, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2004 / Grand Prix - Zagreb Dox International Documentary Film Festival, 2005 / Vera Prize - 8th Annual Documentary and Short Film Festival Vera, Aland, Finland, 2005 / Main Prize in Finnish Competition - Tampere International Short Film Festival, 2005 / ACTA Prize by Signis, Fuena Prize "Visión Artistica" - Festival Internacional de Cine del Mar del Plata, 2005 / FIPRESCI Award - Thessaloniki Documentary Film Festival, Images of the 21st Century, Greece, 2005 / Seeds of War Award - Full Frame Documentary Film Festival, NC, USA, 2005 / Special Mention in category Best International Film - DocAviv, Tel Aviv International Documentary Film Festival, Israel, 2005 / Arie & Bozena Zweig Innovation Award - Chicago International Documentary Festival, 2005 / Best Director Award - One World Human Rights Documentary Film Festival, Prague, Czech Republic, 2005 / Grand Prix - 19th Pärnu International Documentary and Anthropology Film Festival, Estonia, 2005 / Grand Prix Golden Apricot for Best Documentary Film - Golden Apricot International Film Festival, Yerevan, Armenia, 2005 / Special Mention for Documentary Film - ANONIMUL International Film Festival, Romania, 2005 / First Prize - VII Festival Internacional De Cine y Video / Derechos Humanos, DerHumALC, Santiago del Estero, Argentine, 2005 / Prix Italia TV Documentaries (Current Affairs) - Prix Italia, Milan, Italy, 2005 / Eurodok Award 2006
production and sales info:
Millennium Film Oy
Koskikartanontie 12
75530 Nurmes
Tel. +358 13 -5110 100
Fax. +358 13- 5110 111
Arento, 1968 / Their Age, 1976 / The Sign of Danger, 1978 / Two Forces, 1979 / Flame Top, 1980 / 250
Grams, 1983 / Da Capo, 1985 / Leonardo's Windows, 1986 / Mysterion, 1991 / Tanjuska and the Seven
Devils, 1993 / The Cinderella of Tallinn, 1995 / Atman, 1996 / Fire-Eater, 1998 / Darkness, 2000
The Mother's House
François Verster / South Africa / 2006 / 76 min / Afrikaans & English
Cape Town. Should she stay or go? Miché searches for happiness in a world ruled by drugs, gangs and AIDS.
November 12. 16.00, Toldi mozi

producer: Neil Brandt
camera: François Verster
editor: Peter Neal
music: Peter Coyte
festival info:
Best Documentary - Cape Town World Cinema Festival, 2005 / Best Documentary - Zimbabwe International Film Festival, 2006 / The Jury's Special Mention - Norwegian Film Festival, 2006 / Official Selection at INPUT, Taipei, 2006 / Premio Diocesi di Milano 2006 - Milan Africa, Asia & Latin America Festival
production info:
Luna Films
2 Westmeath Ave
Parkview 2192
2193 South Africa
Tel: +27 83 4113063
Fax: +27 11 4825419
sales info:
Maëlle Guenegues
Doc & Co
13 rue Portefoin
Paris F-75003, France
Tel: +33 1 42 77 56 87
Fax: +33 1 42 77 36 56
Pavement Aristocrats 1998 / The Story of "Mbube", 1999 / The Man who Would Kill Kitchener, 1999 /
The Granite war, 2000 / Guilty, 2001 / A Lion's Trail, 2002 / When the War is Over, 2002
The Devil's Miner
Kief Davidson, Richard Ladkani / USA & Germany / 2005 / 82 min / Spanish
In the mountains of Bolivia and far underground, the camera follows 14-year-old Basilio and his brother into the depths of a silver mine as they tempt fate daily in the hope of a better life.
November 11. 18.00, Toldi mozi

producers: Kief Davidson, Richard Ladkani
camera: Richard Ladkani
editor: Kief Davidson
music: Leonardo Heiblum and András Solis
festival info:
Rotterdam International Film Festival, The Netherlands, 2005 / Silver Hugo Best Documentary - Chicago Film Festival, USA, 2005 / FIPRESCI Prize International Film Critic Award - Hot Docs, Toronto, Canada, 2005 / Best Documentary, Spirit of Freedom Award - Jerusalem Film Festival, 2005 / Best Documentary Filmmakers, Special Mention - Tribeca Film Festival, New York, USA, 2006 / Best Documentary - Woodstock Film Festival, 2006.
production info:
Urban Landscapes Productions and La Mita Loca Films
sales info:
Catherine LeClef
13 rue Portefoin
75003 Paris
Tel. +33 1 42 77 89 65, Fax +33 1 42 77 36 56
Kief Davidson:
Minor Details, 1998 / Exotic Islands, 2002, TV Series
Richard Ladkani:
Mein Vietnam - Land und kein Krieg, 2004, TV
Stork Story
György Dobray / Hungary / 2005 / 56 min / Hungarian
One woman waited endlessly for a baby - in vain. The other didn't want her third and would sooner be rid of it. Will they find each other? A story about open adoption in Hungary.
November 9. 16.00, Toldi mozi

producer: Zsuzsanna G. Hollósi, Gábor Varga, György Dobray
camera: Tamás Andor, György Dobray
music: Elemér Balázs
editor: Gábor Marinkás
sound: András Vámosi
production company: Filmplus Kft.
production info:
Filmplus Kft.
Tel.: + 36 1 460 80 60
György Dobray
Tel.: + 36 1 2125872
Az áldozat, 1979 / Vérszerzôdés, 1982 / Szerelem elsô vérig, 1985 / Szerelem második vérig, 1987 /
A mi ügyünk I-II., 1988 / Szálka hal nélkül I-VI., TV sorozat, 1988 / K1 - Film a prostituáltakról, 1989 /
K2 - Az éjszakai lányok, 1990 / Szerelmes szívek, 1992 / Radioaktív BUÉK, 1995 /
Szerelem utolsó vérig, 2001
Lucian Muntean, Natasa Stankovic / Serbia & Rumania / 2005 / 27 min / Nepali & Tamang
One day in the life of a Nepali 9-year-old. Punam cooks, washes, looks after her brothers, then goes to school. And she's one of the lucky ones: 60 percent of Nepali children don't go to school. They break stones or lay bricks instead.
November 9. 18.00, Toldi mozi
November 11. 16.00, Toldi mozi

producer: Lucian Muntean, Natasa Stankovic
screenplay: Lucian Muntean, Natasa Stankovic
camera: Lucian Muntean
editor: Natasa Stankovic
sound: Vladimir Moritz
festival info:
Special Award For Cinematography, Special Award for Humanity, Special Award for Artistic Merit - International Film Festival of Slav Countries, Moscow, Russia - 2006 / First Prize - Human Rights International Competition, Audience Award - Shooting Europe, The European Short Film Festival, Karlsruhe, Germany, 2006 / Special Mention - Hamburg Short Film Festival - Mob & Friese Children's Film Festival, Hamburg, Germany, 2006 /The Prize Perspective, UNICEF Moldova - CRONOGRAF International Film Festival of Documentary Film, Chisinau, Moldova, 2006
production and sales info:
Lucian Muntean & Natasa Stankovic
Lasla Gala 34
Novi Sad
21000 Serbia
Tel: +381 214 207 53
Fax: +381 216 367 476
Marina Razbezhkina / Kanikuly / Russia / 2005 / 52 min / Manshi & Russian
Snow, dogs and hunting - tea and vodka. The traditional lifestyle becomes holiday fun for the Mansi children.
November 12. 18.00, Toldi mozi

producers: Natalia Zheltukhina, Grigory Libergal
screenplay: Marina Razbezhkina
camera: Irina Uralskaya, Ivan Alferov
editor: Yuri Geddert
sound: Viktor Brus
festival info:
Message to Man, International Documentary, Short and Animated Films Festival, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2006
production and sales info:
Likhov pereulok 4-1
Moscow 127051, Russia
Tel: + 7 495 2094066, Tel/Fax: + 7 495 209 4055
And Love Him Deep in Your Heart, 1990 / Assumption, 1991 / The Concert Upon the Listeners' Claim,
1991 / And Man Is Playing Trumpet, 1994 / The Strange Freedom of Existence, 1995 / Underground,
1998 / Gennady Aigi, 2001 / The Harvest Time, 2004
Vierka, Or The Mystery Of Family B.'s Disappearance
Miroslav Janek / Vierka aneb záhada zmizení rodiny B . / Czech Republic / 2005 / 76 mins / Czech
Ida Kelerova, the famous Czech Roma singer, decides to take a promising Roma girl from Slovakia under her wing. So why does the girl vanish?
November 9. 18.00, Toldi mozi

producer: Richard Němec
screenplay: Miroslav Janek
camera: Miroslav Janek
music: traditional and contemporary Romany music
festival info:
Best Czech Document Award - 9th International Documentary Festival in Jihlava, Czech Republic, 2005 / Honorary Mention - One World, 8th International Human Rights Documentary Festival, Prague, Czech Republic, 2006 / Cracow Film Festival, Poland, 2006
production and sales info:
Černá 6
110 00 Prague, Czech Republic
Tel: + 420 224 930 077
Fax: + 420 224 930 384
Visitor, 1983 / Heroes, 1983 / The Caprices of Marianne,
1983 / Little City in Space, 1984 / The Fantastic
Adventures of the Count of St. Germain, 1984 / U Film
Society, 1985 / Kippers, 1988 / Now I Lay Me, 1988 /
Seven Ten Nectiny, 1993 / On Kralik And the Guests, 1995
/ Paradise On Earth, 1996 / The Unseen, 1996 / Opera
Baroque, 1997 / The Last Slav, 1997 / Who Is Jiri Kralik,
1997 / Hamsa, 1998 / Previanti, 1998 / Man and His
Master, 1999 / Battle For Life, 2000 / Crimson Sails, 2001
/ Romeo and Juliette, 2003 / Beauty and the Beast, 2003 /
The Second Memory, 2003 / Peace to Their Souls, 2004 /
Kha-Chee-Pae 2005