Oksana Sarkisova has been the festival director for 14 years - from the very beginning. She is also a Research Fellow at Blinken OSA Archive and co-founder of Visual Studies Platform at CEU.
- What is your first memory related to Verzio?
That it was first called Synchron.
- What is the greatest joy in your work?
To watch an inhuman number of films, and live hundreds of lives with its heroes.
- Why do you think Verzio is important today in Hungary?
Because it shows you personal, intimate, powerful, and transformative stories that you can't see otherwise on the cinema screen.
- How did Verzio change the way you relate to documentaries?
Made me more sensitive to visual fakes.
- What do you watch, when not documentaries?
More documentaries.
- If you would do a documentary, what would it be like?
Probably a montage essay film.
- What do you wish for Verzio?
To engage young generations that would like to keep the ball rolling.