A komp nem üzemel
Astrid Bussink / The Netherlands & Scotland & Hungary / 2005 / 34 min / Hungarian
Emléktöredékekből bontakozik ki az arzénes gyilkosságok története. A tiszazugi asszonyok légypapírból áztatott méreggel ölték meg férjüket, apósukat, gyereküket - összesen 162 embert.
November 11. 16.00, Toldi mozi
producer: Astrid Bussink
forgatókönyv: Astrid Bussink
operatőr: Klára Trencsényi
vágó: Brigitta Peszleg, Astrid Bussink
zene: Jan Schaten
festival info:
First Appearance Award - International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam 2005 / Trieste Film festival, Italy, 2006 / Hungarian Filmweek, Budapest, Hungary, 2006 / Little Stamp Award -Zagrebdox, Zagreb, Croatia, 2006 / Cinéma du Réel, Paris, France, 2006 / Doclab Arhus Filmvarksted, Arhus, Denmark, 2006 / Best Documentary Short - ECU European Indep. Film Festival, Paris, France, 2006 / Full Frame Film Festival, North-Carolina, USA, 2006 / Women's Film Festival, Seoul, South Korea, 2006 / 53rd Belgrade Documentary & Short Film Festival, Belgrade, Serbia & Monte Negro, 2006 / Prix du Jury regards sur le Crime - Vision du Réel, International Film festival Nyon, Switzerland, 2006 / Mediawave 'Another Connection ' International Film Festival, Győr, Hungary, 2006 / Tekfestival Rome, Italy, 2006 / Raccontare il Vero 3°international Documentary Review, Parma, Italy, 2006 / GUTH GAFA, Donegal Documentary Film Festival, Ireland, 2006 / Spectrum Young Talent, Cologne, Germany, 2006 / Cyprus Documentary Festival, Plataniskia Cyprus, 2006 / Dokufest, Prizren, Kosovo, 2006 / 60th Edinburgh International Film Festival, Edinburgh, UK, 2006
production info:
co-production of ECA (Edinburgh) and SZFE (Budapest)
Edinburgh College of Art
Lauriston Place
Tel: + 0131 221 6000
Színház- és Filmművészeti Egyetem
Vas u. 2/c
1088, Budapest, Hungary
Tel: + 361 318 8111
sales info:
Astrid Bussink
6 2f2 Lauriston Gardens EH39 HJ Edinburgh, UK
Upside Down, 2006
Első feleségek
Nailya Rakhmadieva / Kyrgyzstan / 2006 / 27 min / Kyrgyz
Kész a ház, nőnek a gyerekek. A férj új asszonyt hoz a házba. Poligámia Kirgíziában.
November 11. 16.00, Toldi mozi
forgatókönyv: Nilya Rakhmadieva
operatőr: Sapar Kochumanov
festival info:
One World 8th International Human Rights Documentary Rights Festival, Prague, Czech Republic, 2006 / 3rd Golden Apricot IFF, Yerevan, Armenia, 2006
production and sales info:
Elena Vitenberg
Manager of Gender Montage
Institute for Social and Gender Policy
Mokhovaya str. 15
St. Petersburg, 191028, Russia
Tel: +7812 346 7068
Phoebe Schreiner
Program Officer
Network Women's Program
Open Society Institute
400 West 59th Street
New York, NY 10019
Tel: +1 212 548 0162
Fax: + 1 212 548 4616
Avitaminosis, 1999 / Well Paid Job, 2000 / I Love My Family, 2001
Gésa fiúk
Kim Longinotto, Jano Williams / UK / 1995 / 53 min / English & Japanese
Tokiói lányok, akik úgy fiúk, hogy mégis lányok. Transzvesztiták portréi testközelből.
November 9. 20.00, Toldi mozi
producer: Alan Bookbinder
operatőr: Kim Longinotto
vágó: John Mister
hang: Rosie Straker, Simmy Claire
festival info:
Sydney Lesbian and Gay Film Festival / Honolulu Lesbian and Gay Film Festival / Outstanding Documentary - San Francisco Lesbian and Gay Film Festival / New York Lesbian and Gay Film Festival / London Film Festival / Silver Hugo Award - Chicago Film Festival, Silver Hugo / Gold Prize - Houston Film Festival
Pride of Place, with Dorothea Gazidis, 1976 / Theatre Girls, with Claire Pollak, 1978 / Cross and Passion, 1981 / Underage, 1982 / Fireraiser, 1985 / Eat the Kimono, with Claire Hunt, 1989 / Hidden Faces, with Claire Hunt, 1990 / The Good Wife of Tokyo, with Claire Hunt, 1992 / Tragic but Brave, 1993 / Dream Girls, with Jano Williams, 1993 / Shinjuku Boys, with Jano Williams, 1995 / Rock Wives, 1996 / Mike Leigh, 1997 / Divorce Iranian Style, with Ziba Mir-Hosseini, 1998 / Steve and Dave, 1999 / Rob and Chris, 1999 / Gaea Girls, with Jano Williams, 2000 / Runaway, with Ziba Mir-Hosseini, 2001 / The Day I Will Never Forget, 2002 / Sisters in Law, with Florence Ayisi, 2005
Mi, férfiak
Jan Sosiński / Bóg jest z nami, mężczyznami / Poland / 2005 / 46 min / Albanian
Borotválkozik, dohányzik, iszik és férfiakkal dominózik. Pedig nőnek született Észak-Albánia hegyeiben.
November 9. 20.00, Toldi mozi
producerek: Piotr Śliwiński, Ireneusz Niewolski
forgatókönyv: Jan Sosiński
operatőr: Andrzej Wolf
vágó: Paweł Laskowski
festival info:
Krakow Film Festival, Poland, 2006 / Special Award from the Ministry of Culture - FilmFest Warsawa, Poland, 2006
production and sales info:
Studio Filmowe Kalejdoskop
for Redakcja Form Dokumentalnych Program 1
Telewizja Polska SA
ul. Chełmska 21, 00-724
Warszawa, Poland
Tel: +022 8511779
Fax + 022 8412135
A Different World 1993 / The Lord on the Moon, 1993 / Nobody
Dies in a Film, 1993 / Eight Millimetres of Memory, 1996 /
I Made Myself the Executioner, 1996 / Dad, Do You Remember?
1998 / I'm Going to Tell You About Marek, 1999 / The Last
Pictures. The Notebook, 2000 / In Search of the Lost Years,
2001 / The Business Trip, 2003 / We Are In Europe, 2003
Kicsoda De Leo N?
Alberto Vendemiatti / La Persona De Leo N. / Italy / 2005 / 86 min / Italian
Nicola tizenkét éves fiúként tudta: nő akar lenni. A ma negyvenéves transzszexuális Velencében él, nevét Nicole-ra változtatta.
November 11. 20.00, Toldi mozi
producerek: Gianluca Arcopinto, Andrea Fornari (Zaroff Film), Alberto Vendemmiati
forgatókönyv: Alberto Vendemmiati
operatőr: Alberto Vendemmiati
vágó: Alessio Doglione
zene: Aldo Scalzi, Pivio Scalzi
festival info:
Joris Ivens Competition - IDFA, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2005 / Silverdocs AFI / DEiscovery Channel Documentary Film Competition, Washington DC, USA, 2006
production info:
Via Luca Della Robbia, 22
153 Rome, Italy
Tel/Fax: + 39 06 57300099
sales info:
Deckert Distribution GmbH
Peterssteinweg 13
04107 Germany
Tel: +49 341 215 6638
Fax: +49 341 215 6639
Cadabra, 1996 / Cricifige, 1998 / Le Voci Fuori, 1998 / Jung - In the Land of Mujaheddin, 2000 /
Afghanistan: Collateral Damages, 2002
Női jogon
Kim Longinotto, Florence Ayisi / UK / 2005 / 106 min /English & Pidgin English
Kamerun: a nők a törzsi és a szokásjog kárvallottjai. Egy államügyésznő és egy bírónő a modern jog és a nők pártjára áll.
November 11. 18.00, Toldi mozi
producer: Kim Longinotto
executive producer: Peter Dale
operatőr: Kim Longinotto
vágó: Ollie Huddleston
hang: Mary Milton
hang: D'Gary
festival info:
Special Documentary Prize - Munich Documentary Film Festival / Audience Award - Commonwealth Film Festival / Jury Prize - Human Rights Nights Film Festival, Italy / Best International Film - The Tel-Aviv International Documentary Film Festival / 1st Maysles Award - Belfast Film Festival / Silver Award - Al-Jazeera TV Festival / Best Doc Nominee - British Independent Film Awards /Basil Wright Award - RAI Film Festival, Oxford / Social Justice Award - Santa Barbara Film Festival / Audience Award - Royal Anthropological Institute Film Festival / Audience Award - IDFA, Amsterdam, the Netherlands / Best Documentary - Hawaii International Film Festival / Special Mention Europa Cinemas - Cannes Film Festival / Prix Art et Essai - Cannes Film Festival
Prostitúció csadorban
Nahid Persson / Prostitution bag sloret / Denmark & Iran & Sweden / 2005 / 58 min / Farsi & Swedish
Hogyan működik a prostitúció Iránban, Teheránban, ahol a házasságtörésért halálbüntetés jár?
November 9. 22.00, Toldi mozi
producer: Jacob Hogel
operatőr: Nahid Persson
vágó: Niels Pagh Andersen, Nahid Persson
hang: Biornstad FSFL
zene: Ahmad Pejman, "Axiom of Choice"
festival info:
Best Documentary, Audience Award - Creteil, Festival International Films de Femmes, Paris, France, 2005 / The Golden Dragon - Krakow Documentary and Short Film Festival, Poland, 2005 / Audience Award, Prix Association des Femmes Journalistes - Vila Do Conde Festival International De Curtas Metragens, Portugal, 2005 / Best Documentary Short Film - Melbourne Film Festival, Australia, 2005 / Silver Docs Festival, Washington DC, USA, 2005 / Emmy Awards nominee, 2005
production info:
Ryesgade 106 A
DK - 2100 Kobenhavn O
Tel: +45 35 38 72 00
Fax: +45 35 38 72 99
sales info:
Det Danske Filminstitut
Gothersgade 55
1123 Kobenhavn K
Tel: +45 3374 3400
Fax +45 3374 3401
My Mother - The Persian Princess, 2000 / End of Exile, 2000 / Last Days of Life, 2002 / Me and My Cousin, 2002 / Fuck the Past, 2004
Kim Longinotto, Ziba Mir-Hosseini / UK / 2001 / 85 min / Parsi
Női menhely Teheránban: kivert asszonyok és megerőszakolt lányok sorsuk ellen lázadnak - van, akinek sikerül, van, akinek haza kell térnie.
November 10. 22.00, Toldi mozi
forgatókönyv: Kim Longinotto, Ziba Mir-Hosseini
operatőr: Kim Longinotto
festival info:
Joris Ivans Award Nomination - IDFA, Amsterdam, The Netherlands / Jury Prize for Best Documentary - Philadelphia Festival of World Cinema / Children's Rights Award - Osnabruck Film Festival / Silver Dhow Award - Zanzibar International Film Festival / Chicago International Film Festival / Edinburgh International Film Festival / Margaret Mead Film Festival / Sheffield Documentary Film Festival / Hot Docs Canadian Documentary Film Festival / Munich International Documentary Film Festival / Thessaloniki International Film Festival / New Zealand Film Festival / DocAviv International Film Festival / Thessaloniki Documentary Film Festival / International Festival on Human Rights One World / It's All True Sao Paolo International Documentary Festival / Newport Beach International Film Festival / Seoul Human Rights Film Festival / Seoul Women's Film Festival / Iranian Diaspora Film Festival
Válás iráni módra
Kim Longinotto, Ziba Mir-Hosseini / UK / 1998 / 80 min / Parsi & English
Kitartással és ravaszsággal a szabadságért. Bepillantás az iszlám törvényekbe egyetlen bíróság jogesetein keresztül.
November 10. 22.00, Toldi mozi
forgatókönyv: Ziba Mir-Hosseini
operatőr: Kim Longinotto
vágó: Barrie Vince
hang: Christine Flece
production managers: Lizzie Lemon, Sima Mir-Hosseini
festival info:
Best Documentary - Viewpoint International Documentary
Film Festival / Honorable Mention - Jerusalem
Documentary Festival / IDFA / Sheffield Documentary Film
Festival / Vancouver Film Festival / Marseilles Film Festival
/ Edinburgh Film Festival / Viennale International Film
Festival / Best Film
- Viewpoint International Documentary Film Festival /
Silver Hugo Award - Chicago International Film Festival /
Grand Prize for Best Documentary - San Francisco
International Film Festival