Apolló Cinema
November 21-24.
This is the tenth anniversary of Verzió at the Apolló Cinema in Pécs! Our screenings of Verzió films are usually followed by discussions and extra programs, co-organized this year by our partners at Szabad Terek (Free Spaces). The Apolló is the region’s only art-cinema, and also a significant institution in the cultural life of Pécs. Dedicated to creating an opinion-shaping communal space, we embrace free debates, communities and cultures—with extra emphasis on diversity and minorities. Verzió in Pécs is our magnifier, compass, binoculars and mirror, all at the same time.
November 21, Thursday
Club hall:
16:30 Tiny Souls + Fish
18:00 The Crazy Circles of Freedom
20:00 Jawline
November 22, Friday
16:00 Confucian Dream / Club hall
17:00 Gods of Molenbeek / Dr. Stark hall
17:30 Hi, A.I. / Club hall
20:00 Colectív / Club hall
November 23, Saturday
16:30 Timbo + Soyalism / Club hall
18:00 White Right - Meeting the Enemy / Dr. Stark hall
20:00 Crime + Punishment / Club hall
20:30 Minding the Gap / Dr. Stark hall
November 24, Sunday
15:30 Love and Empty Words / Dr. Stark hall
18:00 Buddha in Africa / Club hall
20:00 Breathless / Club hall
Tickets: 600 HUF / screening
7621 Pécs, Perczel Miklós u. 22.
Tel.: +36-30- 654-1719