
Alexandru Solomon


Alexandru Solomon az 1990-es évek elején tűnt fel fiatal operatőrként, és játékfilmek rendezése mellett dokumentumfilmeket is kezdett készíteni. Az első román filmesek közé tartozott, akik elkötelezték magukat a kommunizmus alatt kompromittálódott dokumentumfilmezés mellett; és mára ő az egyik vezető romániai politikai filmkészítő, aki jelen van a nemzetközi dokumentumfilmes színtéren is. Legújabb munkái nyilvános vitákat generáltak a dokumentumfilm közéleten belül betöltött funkciójáról, és hozzájárultak ahhoz, hogy a dokumentumfilm a közelmúltbeli történelem újragondolásának színterévé váljon megint. Korábbi munkája, a The Great Communist Bank Robbery (2004), amelyet az ARTE-n valamint a BBC4 rangos Storyville sorozatának részeként sugároztak, elnyerte a franciaországi Pessacban megrendezett Történelmi Filmek Nemzetközi Fesztiváljának legjobb filmjének járó díját, valamint a Documenta Madrid társadalmi értékekért járó díját. A Hideg hullámok (2007) című filmje a politikai történelem egyik hátborzongató fejezete, amelyet három hónapon keresztül játszottak a romániai színházakban. A Szabad Európa Rádió, a román közönség és a kommunista rezsim közötti imádat és gyűlölet történetét dolgozza fel. A Kapitalizmus a mi titkos receptünk (2010) egy új uralkodó osztály felemelkedéséről szól keleten (az ARTE és az RTBF számára készült a Média támogatásával). A Karlovy Varyban bemutatott Tarzan heréi (2017) utópiákról szól, és egy metaforikus dráma, amely a majmok és az emberek közös sorsát fonja össze.

Event Date & Location: 
Film Reference: 
Arsenie. Csodálatos túlvilág

Alexandru Solomon


In the early 1990s, Solomon emerged as a young director of photography and he started making documentaries aside from filming feature films. Solomon was among the first Romanian film makers who committed themselves to a then compromised genre; today, he is one of the leading political film makers from Romania and active on the international documentary scene. His recent work triggered public debates about the function of documentary film within the public sphere and contributed to re establishing documentary film as an arena for reframing Romania’s recent history. Solomon’s previous work, The Great Communist Bank Robbery (2004), broadcast on Arte and as part of BBC4’s prestigious Storyville series, was awarded Best Film at the History Film Festival in Pessac, France and the Prize for Social Values at Documenta Madrid. His Cold Waves (2007) is a chilling slice of political history that played for 12 weeks in Romanian theatres. It deals with the love and hate story between Radio Free Europe, the Romanian audiences and the communist regime. Kapitalism our secret recipe (2010), speaks of the rise of a new ruling class in the East (produced for Arte and RTBF with Media support). Tarzan’s Testicles (2017), which premiered in Karlovy Vary, is a film about utopias & a metaphoric drama that threads the similar destinies of monkeys & men.

Event Date & Location: 
Film Reference: 
Arsenie. An Amazing Afterlife

Mohammadreza Jurabchian


Mohammad Reza Jurabchian works as an independent filmmaker and cinematographer based in Tehran. He received his BA in photography from Azad University. He was among the best photographers of the year in the 10th Iranian National Biennial of Photography and had several group exhibitions in and outside Iran. He made several short films and documentaries which have been selected for a number of international film festivals. Jurabchian's films are heavily indebted to photography. He tries to depict his relationship with the world around him and his lived experience. He and his sister, Farnaz Jurabchian, started an independent film company, F&M Productions, where they work as co-directors and producers. They directed Overruled and Silent House together.

Event Date & Location: 
Film Reference: 
A néma ház

Mohammadreza Jurabchian


Mohammad Reza Jurabchian works as an independent filmmaker and cinematographer based in Tehran. He received his BA in photography from Azad University. He was among the best photographers of the year in the 10th Iranian National Biennial of Photography and had several group exhibitions in and outside Iran. He made several short films and documentaries which have been selected for a number of international film festivals. Jurabchian's films are heavily indebted to photography. He tries to depict his relationship with the world around him and his lived experience. He and his sister, Farnaz Jurabchian, started an independent film company, F&M Productions, where they work as co-directors and producers. They directed Overruled and Silent House together.

Event Date & Location: 
Film Reference: 
Silent House

Lea Glob


Lea Glob (1982) rendezőként diplomázott a Dán Nemzeti Filmiskolában 2011-ben. Az Olmo & The Seagull című filmet együtt rendezte Petra Costával 2014-ben. Szintén társrendezője volt Mette Carla Albrechtsen mellett 2016-ban a szexualitást női szemszögből tárgyaló Venus című egész estés dokumentumfilmnek, amelynek során a szexualitással és az identitással kapcsolatos gondolatokat osztottak meg azzal a céllal, hogy kialakítsanak erre egy nyelvet és visszaköveteljék a női testet. Mindez idő alatt Glob nyomon követte Apolonia Sokol történetét is, így az Apolonia, Apolonia kettős portré, saját fiatalkori énjét is bemutatja. Ez az első önálló egész estés dokumentumfilmje.

Event Date & Location: 
Film Reference: 
Apolonia, Apolonia
Mentális egészség és dokumentumfilm-készítés: beszélgetés rendezőkkel

Lea Glob


Lea Glob (1982) graduated as a director from the National Film School of Denmark in 2011. She co-directed Olmo & The Seagull with Petra Costa in 2014. In 2016, together with Mette Carla Albrechtsen, she co-directed the feature documentary Venus, about sexuality from a female perspective. The film became a moment to share thoughts on sexuality and identity in an attempt to formulate a language and reclaim the female body. Glob followed the story of Apolonia Sokol for years, creating a double-sided portrait of the artist as a young woman. Apolonia, Apolonia is her first documentary feature as a solo director.

Event Date & Location: 
Film Reference: 
Apolonia, Apolonia
Mental health and documentary filmmaking: discussion with directors

Arun Bhattarai


Arun Bhattarai’s first feature-length documentary The Next Guardian premiered at IDFA at the First Appearance Competition in 2017. Since then it has been screened at more than 40 international festivals (True/False, San Francisco IFF, MOMA DocFortnight, Camerimage, Docs Against Gravity, DOK.fest.München, Ambulante etc.), had theatrical releases and broadcasted around the world. His recent short documentary Mountain Man, premiered at IDFA 2022 in the short documentary competition. The film during its project stage won the Best Pitch Prize at If/Then Global Short Pitch and received funding from the International Documentary Association (IDA). Before becoming an independent filmmaker, he worked as a TV director at the Bhutan Broadcasting Service (BBS) for more than 5 years. His television documentary, Kelden won ‘The Asia Pitch’. He graduated from the 1st edition of DocNomads Joint Master in documentary directing in 2014 for which he was awarded full Erasmus Mundus scholarship in Lisbon, Budapest and Brussels. His second feature-length documentary Agent of Happiness is currently in post-production. The project was pitched and developed at Marché du Film Cannes Film Festival and TFI Network market. The project has also received funding from the Sundance Film Institute and the catapult film fund among others. Arun is a Berlinale Talent 2021.

Event Date & Location: 
Film Reference: 
Hegyek embere

Arun Bhattarai


Arun Bhattarai’s first feature-length documentary The Next Guardian premiered at IDFA at the First Appearance Competition in 2017. Since then it has been screened at more than 40 international festivals (True/False, San Francisco IFF, MOMA DocFortnight, Camerimage, Docs Against Gravity, DOK.fest.München, Ambulante etc.), had theatrical releases and broadcasted around the world. His recent short documentary Mountain Man, premiered at IDFA 2022 in the short documentary competition. The film during its project stage won the Best Pitch Prize at If/Then Global Short Pitch and received funding from the International Documentary Association (IDA). Before becoming an independent filmmaker, he worked as a TV director at the Bhutan Broadcasting Service (BBS) for more than 5 years. His television documentary, Kelden won ‘The Asia Pitch’. He graduated from the 1st edition of DocNomads Joint Master in documentary directing in 2014 for which he was awarded full Erasmus Mundus scholarship in Lisbon, Budapest and Brussels. His second feature-length documentary Agent of Happiness is currently in post-production. The project was pitched and developed at Marché du Film Cannes Film Festival and TFI Network market. The project has also received funding from the Sundance Film Institute and the catapult film fund among others. Arun is a Berlinale Talent 2021.

Event Date & Location: 
Film Reference: 
Mountain Man

Eluned Zoë Aiano


Eluned Zoë Aiano filmrendező, szerkesztő és fordító, eredetileg vizuális antropológus, aki elsősorban Közép-Kelet-Európával foglalkozik. Anna Bennerrel közösen készített rövid animációs dokumentumfilmje, az All Her Dying Lovers, először a Hot Docson volt látható, és megjelent a New York Times Op Docs szekciójában is. 2022-ben az IFDA Academy hallgatója volt. Több különböző rezidenciát is elnyert, például a Wapping Artist rezidenciát Berlinben, a Pépinières Européennes de Création rezidenciát Quebecben és az ENOA rezidenciát az Aix- en-Provence-i operafesztiválon. Filmes tanulmányokat is ír, rendszeres szerzője az East European Film Bulletinnek.

Event Date & Location: 
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Eluned Zoë Aiano


Eluned Zoë Aiano is a filmmaker, editor, and translator with a background in visual anthropology whose work is generally centred on Central/Eastern Europe. Her short All Her Dying Lovers, an animated documentary made in collaboration with Anna Benner, premiered at Hot Docs and was published on the New York Times Op Docs section. She attended IFDA Academy 2022. She has been selected for various residencies, including the Wapping Artist Residency in Berlin, the Pépinières Européennes de Création residency in Quebec and the ENOA residency with the Aix- en-Provence Opera Festival. She also writes about film and is a regular contributor to the East European Film Bulletin.

Event Date & Location: 
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