
Slobodan Georgiev


Slobodan Georgiev is a journalist and editor for BIRN Serbia, a media practitioner for 20 years, content creator and content forwarder; investigative journalism, sports and political writer. Lives and works in Belgrade.

Event Date & Location: 
Investigative Journalism: What is at Stake?

Zuzana Kovačič Hanzelová


Zuzana Kovačič Hanzelová Works for Denník SME since November 2018, as a video reporter. She worked for 7 years for Slovak public TV. Last year she left the company with 11 other reporters, as a protest against management, that was trying to favour Russian propaganda and one governing party in the news. She covers mainly politics, but also topics about minorities and social issues.

Event Date & Location: 
Ki fizet a hírekért? A média mint üzlet

Zuzana Kovačič Hanzelová


Zuzana Kovačič Hanzelová Works for Denník SME since November 2018, as a video reporter. She worked for 7 years for Slovak public TV. Last year she left the company with 11 other reporters, as a protest against management, that was trying to favour Russian propaganda and one governing party in the news. She covers mainly politics, but also topics about minorities and social issues.

Event Date & Location: 
Who Pays for the News? Media Business

Kardos Gábor


A full carrier digital media manager, Gabor started at in 2000, and soon became publishing director and later COO, running publications primarily based on advertising revenues. Moving towards strategy, investment and financing he also picked up business development at CEMP, launching and acquiring other digital media services (such as or ETARGET). After working for two years on legacy outlets' online presence (Nepszabadsag, Nemzeti Sport) as Chief Digital Officer at Ringier Hungary, he founded his own publishing house Magyar Jeti with his partners in 2013, where they publish, one of the leading independent public affairs news outlets in Hungary.

Event Date & Location: 
Ki fizet a hírekért? A média mint üzlet

Gábor Kardos


A full carrier digital media manager, Gabor started at in 2000, and soon became publishing director and later COO, running publications primarily based on advertising revenues. Moving towards strategy, investment and financing he also picked up business development at CEMP, launching and acquiring other digital media services (such as or ETARGET). After working for two years on legacy outlets' online presence (Nepszabadsag, Nemzeti Sport) as Chief Digital Officer at Ringier Hungary, he founded his own publishing house Magyar Jeti with his partners in 2013, where they publish, one of the leading independent public affairs news outlets in Hungary.

Event Date & Location: 
Who Pays for the News? Media Business

Bombera Krisztina


Dr. Bombera Krisztina műsorvezető, tévés producer, amerikai tudósító és a CauseArt Platform jogvédelmi iroda tulajdonosa. Jogászként végzett, húsz éve kiáll az emberi jogok és a demokratikus értékek mellett, számos, a témában dolgozó civil szervezetnél önkénteskedett. A CauseArt pártol és szponzorokat keres olyan ügyeknek, amelyek hátrányos helyzetű csoportokat támogatnak, ezzel elősegíti a társadalmi összefogást, a bevonódást, a megerősödést. Olyan kampányokat szervez, amelyek nagyvállalatokat, illetve helyi és nemzetközi hírességeket vonnak be, hogy befolyásukkal igyekezzenek elérni a fiatalokat, hatást gyakoroljanak és aktivizmusra ösztönözzenek. Műsorvezetőként Magyarország egyetlen nem kormányhoz köthető televíziós reggeli műsorában dolgozik, amely politikai, társadalmi és kulturális témákat érint.

Event Date & Location: 
Ki fizet a hírekért? A média mint üzlet

Krisztina Bombera


Krisztina Bombera J.D. is an anchor, broadcast producer, U.S. correspondent and owner of CauseArt Platform advocacy agency. A lawyer by training, Krisztina has been advocating for human rights and democratic values for twenty years and has volunteered for several NGO's working in these fields. Krisztina has co-founded CauseArt Platform in order to advocate and fundraise for causes that support disadvantaged groups, to enhance social cohesion and promote empowerment. Krisztina designs campaigns that involve large companies and local and global stars leveraging their power to reach young audiences, to amplify impact and call for activism. Krisztina co-anchors the sole Hungarian non-government affiliated television morning show that focuses on politics, social issues and culture.

Event Date & Location: 
Who Pays for the News? Media Business

Ivanka Uhrikova, Lubo Kurthy


Luboš and Ivana are inhabitans of an ancient medieval town Kremnica in Slovakia. In the 14th-15th century the town was the main gold producer in the Hungarian Kingdom. From 2005 they both, along with a few others, have struggled against gold mining companies and against the Slovak bureaucracy. Luboš is the leader of the NGO „Kremnica Beyond Gold“ whose members include most of the city's residents. Reasons for their resistance are not only on environmental base. They also try to protect private properties of inhabitants and their civil liberties. The Siege film also captures the situation in which citizens deal with the pressure of the PR agencies of the mining company and the offices. The main reason why the territory is not yet mined is the persistent legal struggle, numerous litigation and obstruction. 

Event Date & Location: 
Nov 13, 20:00
Kino - Big Hall
Verzio No.: 
Film Reference: 
The Siege
Film Reference: 
Ostrom alatt

Ivanka Uhrikova, Lubo Kurthy


Luboš and Ivana are inhabitans of an ancient medieval town Kremnica in Slovakia. In the 14th-15th century, the town was the main gold producer in the Hungarian Kingdom. From 2005 they both, along with a few others, have struggled against gold mining companies and against the Slovak bureaucracy. Luboš is the leader of the NGO „Kremnica Beyond Gold“ whose members include most of the city's residents. Reasons for their resistance are not only on environmental base. They also try to protect private properties of inhabitants and their civil liberties. The Siege captures the situation in which citizens deal with the pressure of the PR agencies of the mining company and the offices. The main reason why the territory is not yet mined is the persistent legal struggle, numerous litigation and obstruction. 

Event Date & Location: 
Nov 13, 20:00
Kino - Big Hall
Verzio No.: 
Film Reference: 
The Siege
Film Reference: 
The Siege

Johanna Huth


Johanna Huth berlini dokumentumfilm-rendező Kelet-Berlinben nőtt fel. Szociálantropológiát, történelmet és politológiát tanult Berlinben és Bordeaux-ban. Tíz éve dolgozik myanmari Yangon Filmiskolának Berlinben, a hallgatók által készített filmek terjesztéséért felelős. Dokumentumfilmjeit világszerte vetítik filmfesztiválokon, és számos díjat is nyert velük.

Event Date & Location: 
Rendező, forgalmazó (Yangon Filmiskola)
Új forgalmazási stratégiák


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