DocPro - 21st Verzió Film Festival’s industry program – for professionals and beyond!

Nov 7, 14:00 to 15:30 CEU - Auditorium B

Crafting Stories Across 12 Years of Footage, the editing of KIX

Verzió Doclab, the only workshop and pitch platform dedicated to nurturing new voices in Hungarian documentary filmmaking, invites you to explore the exciting challenges of editing long-term documentary projects. Director Bálint Révész and producer Viki Réka Kiss will delve into their decade-spanning journey on KIX, a film that documents 12 transformative years in the life of Sanyi, a boy growing up in Budapest. Join us to learn more on editing documentaries from a special angle, the director and the producer perspective.

Who do we recommend it for?
Directors, editors, producers, film students

Nov 7, 16:00 to 17:30 CEU - Auditorium B

Researching Abandoned Private Film Collection - A Dan Curean Masterclass

The masterclass takes you through the long journey of researching and making Family Movies film, how the creative process developed to the final form of the film through different stages from concept to production steps and editing. The masterclass is open to all interested in the behind the scenes research and the details of production and working with private archives. Full film will be screened on Friday in the framework of the Viewfinder section.

Introduced and moderated by Oksana Sarkisova.

Who do we recommend it for?
The masterclass is recommended to film students and anyone who is interested in working with archival material and found footage. The language of the masterclass is English!

Nov 8, 14:00 to 15:30 CEU - Auditorium A

Ethics in Addressing Sensitive Topics

The discussion will focus on the ethical responsibility of documentary filmmakers. We will address sensitive topics such as suicide, disabilities, the involvement of children, and our own family stories as subjects for films. The panelists will discuss how to ethically navigate these complex situations, the impact of filmmaking on the subjects involved, and how to raise awareness among the audience regarding the issues presented.

Who do we recommend it for?
For anyone interested in the challenges documentary filmmakers encounter when addressing sensitive topics and working with vulnerable subjects. The discussion will be in English!

Nov 8, 16:00 to 17:30 CEU - Auditorium A

Who Has the Right to Tell Them?

The discussion centers on the filmmaker’s personal connection to the subject in documentary filmmaking. In the industry, a longstanding question is: how closely does a director need to engage with the community they are portraying, and to what extent should they be involved with the subject matter? For example, can a European director create an authentic film about a South American tribe? Can a heterosexual filmmaker genuinely capture LGBTQ+ stories if they are not part of that community? Led by writer and screenwriter Krisztián Marton, creator of Crybaby, this roundtable brings together filmmakers to share their thoughts and experiences.

Who do we recommend it for?
For anyone who considers the topic of personal involvement important. The discussion will be in English!

Nov 9, 10:30 to 12:00 CEU - Nádor u. 15., 103

Documentaries and Their Critical Approaches

This event is in Hungarian only. 

Hogyan írjunk filmkritikát dokumentumfilmről, amelynek szereplői hús-vér emberek? Szükséges-e különbséget tenni a filmek között a kritikai műfajban, csupán azért, mert a dokumentumfilmekben nem fiktív karakterek állnak a középpontban? Kerekasztal-beszélgetésünk keretében újságírók, filmkritikusok és filmkészítők osztják meg gondolataikat arról, hogyan érdemes bánni a dokumentumfilmmel, a filmesekkel és a szereplőkkel a kritikákban. A program nyitott diskurzusra ad lehetőséget, ahol a paneltagok mellett a szakmai közönséget is szeretnénk megszólítani.

Kinek ajánljuk?
Filmes újságíróknak és filmeseknek első sorban, de külső érdeklődőket is várunk a programra!

Nov 9, 13:30 to 15:00 CEU - Nádor u. 15., 101

Filmmakers Overcoming Financial and Political Hurdles

The discussion will focus on the challenges of documentary filmmaking in countries where the political and social climate presents significant obstacles for filmmakers: ongoing wars, political pressure, censorship, and authoritarian regimes. The panelists will explore how political and social pressures impact the filmmaking process and the role that censorship, self-censorship, and freedom of expression play in creative work. The conversation will also address the difficulties of raising funds when public financing is unavailable, corrupted or politically motivated. The goal of the panel is to examine the strategies documentary filmmakers can employ to protect and preserve their creative freedom while making their voices heard. The discussion will be led by Alex Shiriaieff.

Who do we recommend this for?
For anyone who cares about the freedom of art. The discussion will be held in English!

Nov 9, 16:00 to 19:00 CEU - Nádor u. 15., 103

The public pitch of the 6 selected projects of the 9th Verzió DocLab workshop and pitch platform! Verzió DocLab is the only workshop and pitch platform dedicated to nurturing new voices in Hungarian documentary filmmaking and supporting filmmakers of the region and Europe. Directors, producers and editors will pitch their film projects. The creative teams will also present the scenes they have worked on with the guidance of the DocLab mentors to an industry panel and audience. The evening will be moderated by factual storytelling expert and strategist Jesper Jack (DK) and Péter Becz (HU), director and producer, creative director of Verzió DocLab.  Verzió DocLab mentors are Flóra Erdélyi, editor (HU), Anna Kis, director and editor (HU) and Jesper Jack.


  • The freeSZFE Film (working title) / Hungary / FreeSZFE Film Collective, Dér Asia (director) and Dávid Kántor (editor)
  • Bee In My Mouth / Hungary, Germany / Balázs Imre Lóránd (director and producer)
  • Hide Me In The Light / Ukraine / Markiian Miroshnychenko (director), Nata Onysh (editor) and Oleksandr Krasen (producer)
  • Illuminated Geology / Spain / Pere Puigbert (director, cinematographer and editor), David Gimbernat (producer) and Pol Roig (Second Camera Unit)
  • Moving Sisters / Greece / Christos Stefanou (director), Eugenia Papageorgiou (editor) and Michalis Kastanidis (producer)
  • My Dear Vira / Ukraine / Maryna Brodovska (director) and Olga Chernyk (co-director and producer)

For detailed descriptions of the films and their creators, please visit the Verzió DocLab website.

Nov 10, 14:00 to 16:00 CEU - Nádor u. 15., 103

Screening and discussion

This screening and the discussion afterwards in Hungarian only. 

Minden évben a Színház- és Filmművészeti Egyetem nemzetközi és magyar dokumentumfilmes osztálya (DOCNOMADS, DOKMA) közös terepgyakorlatra látogat el a kelet-magyarországi Kazincbarcikára. A magyar és nemzetközi rendezőkből álló csapatoknak egy hét áll rendelkezésükre, hogy a városban felfedezzék a témáikat, és rövidfilmet készítsenek belőlük. A DOCNOMADS megalakulása óta eltelt 12 év alatt közel 100 rövid dokumentumfilm készült a városról, amelyből most egyedülálló válogatást mutatunk be a Verzió szakmai programjának keretében. Ezek a filmek még soha nem kerültek levetítésre együtt. A filmek után a magyar alkotók és a felkészítő tanárok, Almási Tamás és Kékesi Attila, Zurbó Dorottyával beszélgetnek a munkáikról.

Kinek ajánljuk?
Mindenkinek. Ritka lehetőség, hiszen ezek a filmek alapvetően vizsgamunkák, eddig még egy-egy kivételtől eltekintve sehol sem voltak láthatók!


  • Szakonyi Noémi – Jenni Pohtala – Konstantin Stell – Miguel Lopez Beraza – Zimu Zhang
    Fodrászváros/The City of Hairdressers (12’09”, 2013
  • Meggyes Krisztina – Alexandr M. Vinogradov – Alyx Arumpac – Martina Droandi – Pham Thu Hang
    Kazincbarcika hangja/Sounds of Kazincbarcika (14’25”, 2015)
  • Fuchs Máté – Angie Obeid – Aylin Gokmen – Khosro Khosrav
    HA BOR 32520 (11’24”, 2017)
  • Püsök Botond – Ananthakrishnan Pillai – Charlotte Muller – Mónica B. Castrillón
    Tales Of Men (9’26”, 2018)
  • Fanni Hatházi – Bakar Cherkezishvili – Hernan Eduardo Baron Camacho – Sarah Khalid
    A Kazincbarcikai Gobelin Öltögetők Köre/The Ladies Of The Tapestry Club (11’05”, 2019)
  • Bognár Flóra – Conrado Hayashida – Nora Ananyan – Rajae Bouard
    Még mindig szerelem/Still Love (8’07”, 2019)
  • Csányi Nikolett – Debashis Das – Lucien Easton – Polina Melnik
    Mint egy méhecske, várva, hogy valami történjen/Like a Honeybee, Waiting for Something to Happen (19’32”, 2023)
  • DOKMA1
    Kazincbarcika az én városom (1’04”, 2013)