Marion Czarny


With a postgraduate degree in Cultural Project Management from la Sorbonne Nouvelle University, Marion Czarny did part of her studies in the United States (Columbus, Ohio) and Ireland (Dublin). She worked as an editorial assistant for three cinema magazines, and as a programmer for several festivals: Paris Film Festival, Rencontres Internationales de cinéma (Paris), and Ohrid French Film Festival (Macedonia) before joining FIPA in 2008. Head of CAMPUS at FIPADOC, she supervises all editorial content for the young audience, students, and emerging directors. She oversees different education and training programs, such as the Young Europeans Jury, or the pitches regional first films, and curates the New Talent selection (international student films) of the festival. With her work, Marion is constantly involved in empowering youth through the prism of documentaries.

Event Date & Location: 
Head of CAMPUS at Fipadoc, France
Festivals, Universities, and Documentary Film Education