Corvin Variations / City People / Film+Discussion

Corvin Variations

Budapest’s Corvin Project, initiated in 2003, was the largest and most-awarded city development project in Central Europe. It envisioned the complete transformation of nearly 22 acres of territory in District 8, which meant demolishing any existing buildings in the “slum” area and relocating more than one thousand, mostly Roma, families. The protagonists of the film are local residents who have been relocated in the course of the project – and who recall, with certain nostalgia and criticism, life in the old neighborhood and community. Now they only see each other in the space reconstructed by the filmmaker.

City People

Streets, houses, snapshots of the lives and moods of Józsefváros – the micro-world of people of different ethnicities and religions peacefully coexisting.


On the 150th anniversary of the unification of Pest, Buda and Óbuda, it is particularly exciting to talk about the city and documentaries shot in and about Budapest. The changing Budapest is at the heart of both films. The screening is followed by a discussion in Hungarian with the filmmakers and Tibor Kuklis from the Hungarian Contemporary Architecture Centre about how the district is changing, what socio-economic changes are taking place here, and what the future holds.

Klára Trencsényi, director (Corvin Variations)
András Salamon, director (City People)

Moderator: Tibor Kuklis, Hungarian Contemporary Architecture Centre (KÉK)

The project is part of the Budapest 150 commemorative year, with the financial support of the Pro Cultura Urbis Public Foundation.

Blinken OSA
24 November - 6:00PM
The event will be
in Hungarian