CIVIL SOCIETY PITCH 5 – Powered by One World Romania
Extended deadline until February 9th
Registration for the Civil Society Pitch is extended until February 9th! We are still waiting for the registrations of NGOs and filmmakers for the 5th edition of the unique documentary development program with a focus on social issues and human rights.
Civil Society Pitch unites organizations and social activists with filmmakers, journalists or visual researchers from Hungary, Bulgaria, the Republic of Moldova and Romania. The uniqueness of the program lies in the fact that the NGOs and social activists start the program, they are the ones who propose themes or cases that they deal with in their mission, and the filmmakers later coagulate around the NGOs, choosing one topic at a time that they want to develop and represent visually.
Civil Society Pitch 5 will have its first session of workshops and seminars between March 31 and April 2 in Bucharest, within the One World Romania #16 Documentary Film and Human Rights Festival. Participants will have meals and accommodation provided for the entire duration of the workshops and will benefit from free access to all the Festival's events and screenings.
During three days the participants will get to know each other and find out their fields of activity, so that they can find common points and interests that will help them in creating teams. Following the workshops and seminars, the mentors of the program will support the formed teams to define the documentary film projects that they will then continue to develop in the field. The next six months the teams will have time for research and project development. Later, after a follow-up session with workshops designed to support the participants' process and a few more months of intensive work and mentoring, the teams will present the results of their work in a public pitch – in the form of a project presentation accompanied by a trailer, in which the best project will be awarded with 4000 euros.
If you find yourself in the above, fill out the participation form by February 9: https://linktr.ee/civilsocietypitch, and we will return with an answer at the beginning of March. For more details you can contact us at atelier@oneworld.ro
The CIVIL SOCIETY PITCH program is initiated and coordinated by the One World Romania Association, and the program partners are the Balkan Documentary Center (Bulgaria), the Verzió International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival (Hungary), the MOLDOX Association (Republic of Moldova), National University of Theater and Cinematographic Art "I.L. Caragiale" (Romania), Master of Anthropology SNSPA & Master of Visual and Society Studies SNSPA (România).
The CIVIL SOCIETY PITCH program is part of a cultural project co-financed by the National Cultural Fund Administration.
*The project does not necessarily reflect the position of the National Cultural Fund Administration. AFCN is not liable for the content of the project or for the way in which the results of the project may be used. These are entirely the beneficiary’s responsibility.