Re:Verzió is back from March!
If you missed out on the program of the 21st Verzió International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival in November, now you can catch up on the best films, including Oscar-nominated and Verzió-winning films.
The screening series starts on 13 March at Toldi Cinema, where you can watch Your Life Without Me, Anna Rubi's documentary on home care, which won both the Best Hungarian Film and the Audience Award at the 21st Verzió. After the screening, our guest will be Anna Rubi director. The language of the discussion will be Hungarian.
Date and venue of the screening:
March 13, 2025 8:00 p.m., Toldi cinema
Tickets are on sale for 3090 HUF (full price) or 2350 HUF (reduced price).
Buy your ticket in Toldi cinema or online.
The next screenings of the Re:Verzió program series will take place from March until the end of May at Toldi cinema, Blinken OSA Archivum, CEU and ISBN+ Bookshop. If you want to be informed about other events, subscribe to our newsletter and follow our news on Facebook.
Sign up for our newsletter here: https://bit.ly/3XnO6mi
About the film:
Your Life Without Me (original title: Az életed nélkülem)
director: Anna Rubi
Hungary, Sweden / in Hungarian with English subtitles
2024, 72'
Magdi, a strong-willed, but lonely caregiver faces a daunting reality as she grows older: if she were to pass away, her disabled adult son Feri would be left to the inhumane conditions of the Hungarian state care system, and would quickly follow her. Determined to secure a future for Feri, Magdi unites with a group of mothers who are in the same situation and they take legal action against the state. Your Life Without Me is a story of the strength and sacrifices of these women who find their own voice through the common fight and their community.
Cover photo: Your Life Without Me / Photo: Somnus film, Anna Rubi