At the end of January, two of our colleagues attended our partner festival, FIPADOC in France.
Hanna Kádár participated as a jury member of the Young Europeans Jury which evaluated the European Stories section of the festival.
Young Europeans Jury
Fanni Somlyai attended the Industry Days' European Festivals Keynote roundtable where we highlighted our plans for the next two years in the Doc Around Europe Network. Together with our partner festivals, FIPADOC, Dokfest München, DocsBarcelona and MakeDox, we will be working on activities dedicated to emerging talents thanks to a grant by Creative Europe.
The aim of the network linking the five European documentary film festivals is to promote the circulation of documentary films and film professionals, especially young talents, from the regions represented by each festival, and to facilitate the sharing of experience and the international exposure of the filmmakers and their works, as well as their projects in different stages of development.
Presentation of the Doc Around Europe activities, photo: Jean Despiau, FIPADOC
More information about the Doc Around Europe network members:
DOK.Fest München (Germany)
DocsBarcelona (Spain)
MakeDox (Skopje, North Macedonia)
FIPADOC (Biarritz, France)
In addition, two Hungarian films screened at the festival: Holy Dilemma (d.: Márton Vízkelety, Julianna Ugrin), which was an award winner at last year's Verzió, and Too Close (d.: Botond Püsök), a documentary film shown in Hungary at BIDF recently, which was awarded by the Young European Jury in Biarritz.