The Price of Free Press
Without freedom of the press, constitutional democracy is not conceptually possible: without social publicity, there is no responsible governance. President Duterte makes no secret of his desire to restrict freedom of the press and is doing whatever he can to silence journalists. How is journalism changing in this situation? What can journalists, editors and readers do in times like these?
Gábor Polyák, Standards Media Monitor (Mérték), University of Pécs, Head of Communication and Media Studies
Blanka Zöldi, journalist, Direkt36
Marianna Bíró, journalist, Telex
Endre B. Bojtár, journalist, editor in chief of Magyar Narancs
Moderator: Renáta Uitz, lawyer, Head of CEU Legal Department, Director of the Comparative Constitutional Law program, curator of the In the name of Justice section
The discussion is in Hungarian.