Lake Baikal: The Science and Spirituality of Extreme Water

Baikal is a one of the rare places on Earth where humans stand in awe of nature. The region became home to Shamanistic faiths, Buddhists and Orthodox Catholics. Baikal contains one-fifth of the world's unfrozen fresh water. Evolving in isolation over 25 million years, Baikal is home to more than 2,500 indigenous animal and plant species, including the nerpa, the world’s only freshwater seal. This rich biodiversity has earned the nickname, "The Galapagos of Russia" and designation as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Viewers will enter the dramatic landscape of Lake Baikal in winter, stand on the frozen surface of the lake in winter, observe parishioners outside their village Orthodox and sit with monks as they chant in their temple.
VR films can be viewed at Trafóklub between November 12 and 17 from 2 pm to 8 pm. Further info about admission and tickets can be found here.