Student Jury

Cleve is a graduate student at the Department of Political Science at Central European University (CEU). He also serves as a department representative and board member of the CEU Student Union 2016–2017. Since 2008, he has been involved in various human rights issues in the Philippines including urban poor community demolitions, enforced disappearances of anti-government activists, and extrajudicial killings of indigenous peoples. Prior to coming to Budapest, he was Instructor and Chair of the Political Science Program of the University of the Philippines Manila. His present research explores the rise and mobilization of authoritarian nostalgia in the Philippines.

Viktória is currently a student in the Media Design B.A. program at the Budapest Metropolitan University. Previously, she graduated from Eötvös Loránd University in Film History and Theory, where she wrote her thesis about nonverbal documentaries. She also has volunteer experiences, such as working with the Foundation for the Disabled (Százhalombatta).

Giuseppe got his BA in Political Science and International Relations in 2014 and is currently finishing his MA in International Relations at the University of Rome La Sapienza. With the help of Erasmus Programme, he studied at the University of Almeria (Spain) where he deepened his knowledge about Human Rights. Since 2012 he has organized various cinematographic and cultural events and since 2013 he is communication manager of the actor Tomas Milian and the webmaster of In November 2016 he started an internship in Budapest at the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Hungary.

Sophia is in Budapest this semester as an Erasmus student at Central European University’s Gender Studies department. She is pursuing an M.A. in Gender and Ethnicity at Utrecht University in the Netherlands, where she has developed an interest in critical whiteness studies. Since gaining an interest in feminism in her first year at Brown University, where she received a B.A. in Gender and Sexuality Studies, she has been involved in sexual health initiatives, editing and writing for feminist publications, and facilitating workshops on gender and sexuality.