Professional Accreditation

The Industry Accreditation for film professionals and film school students provides ONLINE access to films offered in this year’s official Festival selection at a discounted price.

With the industry accreditation you can receive a 25% discount off the various passes.

If you would like to request online accreditation, please send us an email with INDUSTRY ACCREDITATION in the subject line, and the following in the body:

  • short justification of the entitlement (e.g. name of school or company, professional background, etc.)


You will receive confirmation of your accreditation by email, including more details about accessing the films online.



Panel discussions and masterclasses with local and international professionals will be held at CEU, at the OSA Archivum, and at Corvin Cinema.

DocPro programs are free, but require a simple registration process. To register, please sign in to Verzió’s Visitor page.

Verzió Visitor Page


For all other festival programs, general terms of entry apply.