Verzió x METU Poster Exhibition

Corvin Cinema, Toldi Cinema

Annually since 2018, graphic design MA students at the Budapest Metropolitan University have designed alternative film posters inspired by the documentaries in the festival program. This year the students received mentoring from Krzysztof Ducki, Andrej Tóth and Krisztián Gál poster artists.

Exhibition opening: 5 pm, 22 November, 2023 - Corvin Cinema

The poster exhibition will be on display between November 22 and November 29, 2023 in Corvin and Toldi cinemas.


Statements of the students:

"It has been an honour to work with these films and various deep and sensitive topics."

"In the art of poster making, we believe it is important that the posters have something to say and that they touch the viewer. It's completely different to come up with the concept for a blockbuster movie poster than it is for a sensitizing film, because we need to capture the essence of the film's subject matter that best describes it. So often when making these kinds of posters, we tend to follow the rule of less is more."

"We had a very exciting and special opportunity this year to create posters for the Verzió Film Festival. This was not just an ordinary university project for us, but a real challenge that gave us the opportunity to use our own creativity and skills. This year's films present unconventional human situations that draw attention to various serious social problems. We have been able to work with themes that have inspired us to understand and portray different aspects of the human experience in greater depth. We hope that the posters we have created will contribute to the success of the Verzió Film Festival and help to spread the films' messages more widely. Thank you for the opportunity to participate in this project and to share this unique creative experience with all of you!”


List of the students:


Ahmed Jasmin Neda

Gyökös Anett

Bánóczi Bianka Lilla

Barka Szófia Zsanett

Bodor Luca Anna

Csúri Bálint Károly

Dobos Beatrix

Dömötör Dalma

Farkasová Judit

Faur Elina

Fekete Zsófia Eszter

Ferenczi Beáta

Giczi Gyöngyi

Gnyálin Anita

Guba Szilvia

Gutai Gitta

Hadi Kornélia

Hatvani-Nagy Dóra

Hellebrandt Flóra

Hohner Bettina

Horváth Edina

Janzsó Boglárka

Keő Péter

Kocsis Kata

Kolki Hanna Janka

Koszta Dóra

Krix Barbara

Kun Vivien

Lengyel Zsófia

Lévai Letícia Dorka

Márkus Luca Zsófia

Mátrai Eszter

Nagy Kitti Barbara

Nagy-Balogh Györgyi

Nagy-Kaiser Anita

Orosz-Rokszin Tiffany

Palotai Dóra

Pap Éva

Pente Szilvia

Seeman Dorottya

Sipos Emese

Szabó Dominika

Tar Vanessza

Tóth Róza

Tóthová Veronika

Varga-Tóth Sára

Vaski Flóra Dorottya

Veress ZsófiaWieszt Johanna Mária