Offer 1% of your tax to Verzio International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival!
Organization name: Verzió Film Alapítvány (Verzio Film Foundation)
VAT number: 18187393 - 1 - 42
More info about taxing in Hungary here.
Who we are, what is Verzio Film Festival?
Human rights, dignity, struggle against oppression – some of the things we consider extremely important.
Verzio Film Festival is a unique event held in Hungary to represent human dignity and common social issues through Hungarian and international documentaries since 2004.
Our films create empathy and promote tolerance, approaching their protagonists in original, creative and sensitive ways.
We believe that through personal, touching and empowering stories, by providing high quality films, we help to disperse false prejudices, and to understand each other and a world in a more profound way.
Our main activities:
Verzio Film Festival is the only human rights film festival and also the largest documentary festival in Hungary.
Since 2004 we have screened ca. 700 international and Hungarian documentaries to more than 80.000 visitors.
Besides selecting 60 new films, each year we invite international guests from all over the world. We provide a unique opportunity to meet film professionals and activist filmmakers, who have found a way to promote human rights through the genre of documentary cinema, and who introduce human stories authentically to the audience.
Some of the lives Verzio showed you:
Chinese miners /// the indigenous of the tundra /// survivals and perpetrators of a genocide living in the same village /// Iranian female singers and rappers /// a farm stuck in between block of flats in Kiev /// history lessons of Palestinian and Israeli schools /// 95-year-old ballerinas/// Edward Snowden /// Joseph Goebbels’ secretary /// a female football team from Nepal ///
a rehabilitation center for internet addicts /// Peruvian indigenous people /// Japanese family-rental agencies
…and many other human stories.
Other programs we do:
We organize roundtable-discussions and meetings with filmmakers, as well as debates and conferences around certain topics with the participation of film- and human rights experts.
In cooperation with the Visual Studies Platform at CEU we organize DocLab, a three-day-workshop, where participants can create their own short documentaries with the help of experts.
We organize masterclasses and professional forums that give the opportunity to Hungarian and international filmmakers and distributors to network and present their new projects.
Student Verzió screenings are free of charge and organized for high school students in the mornings, in the art cinemas of Budapest. We consider it extremely important to engage the new generations with discussions about protection of human rights via showing creative, quality documentaries.
As a new project we organize classroom screenings throughout the year. The screenings are followed by discussions where critical thinking and deeper analysis of the issues raised is encouraged.
In the framework of Verzió+ we reach out to the audience in the regions of Hungary, believing that it is everyone’s right to understand the world better around us.
Each spring we organize Re-Verzió, a free film screening series, where the most popular films of the latest festival are presented.
In the summer while working on the program of the upcoming festival, we screen films at various openair festivals.
How can Verzio benefit from your support?
Today in Hungary the opportunities for independent cultural and non-profit human rights organizations are disappearing, our financial sources are less and less each year, therefore we ask for the help of the civilians to support our efforts:
to broaden and develop a freely accessible educational program
to share human rights documentaries with the young audience
to create a Methodological Handbook for teachers to enable them to hold workshops individually
to increase the number of screenings in the regions
to translate and subtitle more films to Hungarian
to reach out to the younger generations with increased online presence and interactive communication – new website, festival application
Guidance to complete the 1% statement:
If you are self-employed: If you didn’t make a statement in your tax return issued by February 25, you can still have the chance to get your statement to NAV using the 16EGYSZA form that can be downloaded here, and sent to NAV online through the ‘customer portal’, or mailed to the directorate of the NTCA territorially competent in the area of your residence.
List of addresses can be found here, along with more information about taxing in Hungary.
If NAV completes your tax return: If you have access to the customer portal, you can make your statement about your 1% online in NAV’s website till May 22. If not, complete the 16EGYSZA form and post it to your local NAV office till May 22.
If your workplace makes your tax return: You can submit your 16EGYSZA statement until May 22 online, or via post.
If you submit your tax return as an individual: You can declare online in the EGYSZA 1653 form, or the 16EGYSZA document, either online or via post, till May 22.
Listen, ask questions, help to change!
Verzio. Because I care.