Grand Café and Megálló Community House
Verzió in Szeged returns for the 5th year
Megálló Community House
10-12 November, 2022
Megálló Community Center is sustained by the MASZK Organization, and is situated in the Tarján housing estate in Szeged. For more than 30 years, MASZK has been an important, independent art workshop in the area. The community program was launched in 2014 to bring new life to the neighborhood by utilizing MASZK’s experience, organizational knowledge and empathy. Megálló provides a community space for all generations to meet and deepen their knowledge while taking part in various workshops.
10 Nov, Thursday
5 pm Opening event: Prayer for the Weary + It has passed, and it's fine - free entry
6 pm Holy Dilemma
8 pm KIM
11 Nov, Friday
5 pm Unprocessed
7 pm Debate: What does this unprocessedness mean? - free entry
The social context of the Roma murders of 2008-2009 and the traumatic nature of minority-majority coexistence remains unexplored and unresolved. In 2010, director Rodrigó Balogh explored this fraught reality from a child's perspective in his play Feather Dusting. We talk online with the theatre director about what has changed in the 12 years since the play was written, and whether there are attempts by the state, the judiciary and individuals to resolve these traumas. We seek answers to where art's place is in these issues and what tools we have to thematise this unprocessedness.
8 pm Outside
12 Nov, Saturday
5 pm The North Drift
7 pm Debate: What happens to plastic drifting in the Tisza? - free entry
Like director Steffen Krones, we ask the question: Where does the plastic waste that flows through our city go? How is the Tisza connected to the world's water cycle, and what are the dangers of the waste that drifts into it for water quality and wildlife? We talk to the organisers and volunteers of the Tisza PET Cup, Csanád Izsák Ivánfi and Péter Laczkó, about the film "The North Drift", the similarities and differences between the Elbe and the Tisza, and the awareness-raising and community-building good practice of the PET Cup.
8 pm Before They Fall
TICKETS: 500 HUF / screening
6723 Szeged, Budapesti krt. 23.
Tel.: +36-30-720-0279
Grand Café Cinema
13-15 November, 2022
Grand Café, the venue sustained by Kép-Szín-Ház Foundation, began to work first as an art cinema and café in 1996. Apart from being cinema it has been working as a comprehensive cultural complex right from the beginning: the screening room hosted literary events and concerts, the walls of the café were covered by exhibitions. During our twenty two years of existence a great number of nationally and/or internationally renowned film makers, writers, musicians, photographers, fine artists and social scientists have been our guests. Grand is also a community held together by the shared values of the creative potential of communal work, DIY mentality, solidarity, subsidiarity and active helpfulness. And of course, by love.
13 Nov, Sunday
6 pm The Conductor
8 pm Nuisance Bear + The Territory
14 Nov, Monday
6 pm F@ck This Job
8 pm Fragile Memory
15 Nov, Tuesday
6 pm Howling Like We Do
8 pm Presentation of Krisztián Tóbiás's book "Blondel Mirror" - free entry
The poems of Krisztián Tóbiás's manuscript, Blondel Mirror, initiate a dialogue with visual art. The title refers to this. The paintings in the Blondel frame appear as mirrors, which the author fills with his own experiences. They do not function as ekphrasis, descriptions of the works, but as personal stories in which the images are the source of memory. Yet there is always a feedback. Each of the works of art in the film functions more as a "Rorschach test", recalling personal stories/experiences/memories. Szabolcs Szutorisz talks to the author.
TICKETS: 500 HUF / screening
6720 Szeged, Deák Ferenc utca 18, 2. emelet
Tel.: +36-62-679-007