Born Digital
Flows, clouds, torrents – our language gives new meanings to these words in order to adjust to the changing technological and social texture of the 21st century. The perception of boundless connectivity and access makes the internet an indispensable part of our lives. Unlike those who can still remember the pre-internet and pre-computer era, teenagers or those who are born into the digital world of today, become an organic part of it, often taking its current possibilities for granted. While feasting on the seemingly limitless resources provided by the World Wide Web, we rarely reflect on the profound changes it brings to our lives. The films in the Born Digital program aim to sharpen our sensitivities to these novel living and working conditions. Digital currency, digital banking, digital surveillance, digital piracy, and digital addiction are explored by perceptive filmmakers who refuse to accept the current state of the world, and seek to expose the new economic and political mechanisms that turn us all into digital subjects of the World Wide Web.
All films are screened in original language with English subtitles except Felvidék.