Svédország és Norvégia legészakibb részén állandóak a földtulajdonnal és a határokkal kapcsolatos konfliktusok. Simon és Beatrice Marainen és három gyerekük a félnomád rénszarvaspásztor számi őslakosok közé tartozik, akik mindig is szabadon közlekedtek Skandinávia északi vidékein, nyájaik természetes vándorlását követve. Napjainkban azonban a nacionalizmus, a bürokrácia és a politika fenyegetést jelent hagyományos életformájukra.
Georg Götmark has a degree in film and cultural studies from Stockholm University and the Universidad Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona. He has also completed a post-graduate course at the Royal Academy of Arts in Stockholm. Georg is currently working as a producer and director at Filmfront Media AB, which he co-founded. He has worked with documentaries and in TV since 2001. He has worked on a number of international documentary projects, such as The Last Lacandones, a film about Mayan Indians, shot in Mexico; Transit Tanger, about Moroccans dreaming of a new life in Europe; and Citizen Oketch, about a family living in the Kibera slum outside of Nairobi. His first feature creative documentary, Bellum – The Daemon of War (2021), was about AI, robotics, and ethics. Georg has traveled extensively producing a number of TV series and reports for Swedish television, and educational films for universities, organizations and companies.
John Erling Utsi is a freelance Sami filmmaker and journalist with an extensive career at SVT-Sápmi.