Az Őrzők dokumentumfilm központi szereplői Marçal Guajajara bennszülött erdővédő és Puyr Tembé aktivista, akik az erdőírtástól védik területeiket Brazíliában az Amazonas folyó mentén. A filmben megismerünk egy illegális fakitermelőt, akinek nincs más választása, mint kivágni az erdőt, és egy nagybirtokost, aki több ezer betolakodó és kizsákmányoló kegyének van kitéve. A film bensőséges, karakterközpontú történetmesélésen keresztül fontos kérdéseket helyez előtérbe, mint az Amazonas esőerdejének globális klímastabilitásunkban betöltött kulcsszerepét, valamint az erdőirtás gazdasági hajtóerejét. A filmben összefonódik a politika, a történelem, a gazdaság, a tudomány és a tudatos lét.

Edivan Guajajara

Edivan Guajajara is from the Zutiwa village, located in Arariboia Indigenous Land (Maranhão, Brazil) and one of the creators of the communication network Mídia Índia. As an activist & filmmaker, he creates photography and documentaries centering indigenous peoples’ perspectives, showcasing their struggle of land protection and defense of Mother Earth. As a designer and video editor, he uses his gift to create art pieces that give visibility to the ongoing fight of the Brazilian indigenous peoples, a people who have resisted for 521 years. “Film has given us the opportunity to show our culture and our resistance. Today we have our own way of communicating and spreading our works so that people can know our true history and strengthen our struggle. My greatest inspiration as an indigenous is showing our reality and telling that we are also capable of being what we want to be, and showing to the world how much we indigenous peoples are important to the survival of our planet.

Chelsea Greene

One Forest was formed with the mission to help people reconnect to themselves and to nature. Comprised of filmmakers Chelsea Greene (she/her) and Rob Grobman (he/him), One Forest is dedicated to creating impactful and heartfelt films and media. They view the art of storytelling as a sacred work, which endows their stories with a deep reverence for the earth and the characters they feature. They have recently produced two award winning short documentaries, BORNEO’S VANISHING TRIBES and GORILLA GIRL. Their commitment to authentic, integral and informative stories paired with their youth, ambition and drive as individuals, make this unique duo and their work exceptional, relevant and inspiring. One Forest lives and works in the mountains of Southern Oregon.

Rob Grobman

One Forest was formed with the mission to help people reconnect to themselves and to nature. Comprised of filmmakers Chelsea Greene (she/her) and Rob Grobman (he/him), One Forest is dedicated to creating impactful and heartfelt films and media. They view the art of storytelling as a sacred work, which endows their stories with a deep reverence for the earth and the characters they feature. They have recently produced two award winning short documentaries, BORNEO’S VANISHING TRIBES and GORILLA GIRL. Their commitment to authentic, integral and informative stories paired with their youth, ambition and drive as individuals, make this unique duo and their work exceptional, relevant and inspiring. One Forest lives and works in the mountains of Southern Oregon.

portugál, angol, Tupi
Edivan Guajajara
Chelsea Greene
Rob Grobman
Fisher Stevens
Maura Anderson
Chelsea Greene
Zak Kilberg
ROCO Films